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The movie below shows a volume render of an OPT model. No staining has been used on the specimen and the images were captured using autofluorescence with a FITC filter.
CS11 N285 46XX Late stage CS11 |
Back | Carnegie Stage 11 Definition |

Age is approximately 29 postovulatory days
Length is approximately 1.5 - 5mm
External Features Include: the rostral is neuropore closing. Otic pits are present. Optic vesicles formed. No limb buds present.
O'Rahilly R and Muller F [1987] Developmental Stages in Human Embryos. Carnegie Institute, Washington, Publication no. 637, and O'Rahilly R, Müller F (2010) Developmental stages in human embryos: revised and new measurements. Cells Tissues Organs. 192:73-84. PMID: 20185898.