
Interactive CS14 Embryo Model


        Key to anatomical regions

  • Neural tube
  • Eye
  • Otic vesicle
  • Dorsal root ganglia
  • Heart
  • Liver

Movies of CS14 embryos


The movies below show volume renders of OPT models. No staining has been used on any of the specimens and the images were captured using autofluorescence with a FITC filter.


A386 46XX
N420 46XY
N518 46XX


N560 46XY
N578 46XY
N939 46XY


The movies below show volume renders of High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) models. Other HREM models can be found here.

N925 46XX
N933 46XX



Painted Anatomical Regions


The movies below show anatomical domains defined in the A386 and N420 models. The domains have been manually defined in the OPT models using specialised software and then visualised using commercial rendering packages.

The various domains are: neural tube - orange; heart - red; liver - dark green; optic vesicle - dark blue; otic vesicle - yellow; dorsal root ganglia - cyan.


A386 46XX
N420 46XY




Carnegie Stage 14 Definition



A 3D model of a human embryo, Carnegie stage 14


Age is approximately 34 postovulatory days

Length is approximately 5 - 8 mm

External Features Include: elongated and tapering upper limb buds, invagination of the lens disc but with open lens pit. Internally, future cerebral hemispheres and cerebellar plates begin to be visible.

O'Rahilly R and Muller F [1987] Developmental Stages in Human Embryos. Carnegie Institute, Washington, Publication no. 637, and O'Rahilly R, Müller F (2010) Developmental stages in human embryos: revised and new measurements. Cells Tissues Organs. 192:73-84. PMID: 20185898.