Gene expression in the eye at Carnegie Stage 18


The gene expression data below has been kindly submitted by Professor Majlinda Lako, Professor of Stem Cell Science, Newcastle University.

Click on the images below to enlarge

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

Hoechst stain

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels + phase contrast

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

Hoechst stain

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels + phase contrast

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

Hoechst stain

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels + phase contrast

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

Hoechst stain

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

All channels

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

Hoechst stain

Gene expression in the human embryonic eye


Gene expression in the human embryonic eye

Both channels + phase contrast